Can psychometric tests be trusted?

Priyambada Datta Psychometric Testing 1 Comment

Psychometrics tests vary in their length and complexity and can include either written or verbal questions. These tests require the person taking the test to answer questions based on their own knowledge or experience. They test aspects of a person like cognitive ability (e.g., reasoning or spatial ability), personality (e.g., emotional stability), vocational interests (e.g., how interested someone is in …

5 ways to be More Assertive

Priyambada Datta Advisory, Latest articles Leave a Comment

Assertiveness is a life skill that involves being able to express your thoughts and feelings in a confident, polite, and reasonable way. It is important for people to be assertive because it helps them create healthy relationships with other people. It also helps people to take care of themselves the best way they can. It is the opposite of being …

5 ways to Develop Your Cognitive Flexibility

Priyambada Datta Advisory, Latest articles Leave a Comment

Several studies show that cognitive flexibility has numerous benefits for employees in the workplace. In today’s workplace, the ability to juggle between tasks, being able to adapt quickly to changes without getting stressed, and being able to come up with creative and innovative ideas are crucial. Sung, et. al., in 2018, conducted a study on Korean Air Force pilots. The …

Empowering Leadership: The Emerging Leadership Trend of the 21st Century

Priyambada Datta Advisory, Latest articles 1 Comment

Empowering leadership is a process whereby leaders create a supportive environment and delegate subordinates’ power and autonomy in their work and decision-making (Zhu et al., 2019). There are various ways to do this. Empowering leaders delegate responsibility and authority to make decisions to the employees. It encourages the employees to come up with and try new ideas. Sharing information and …

Psychometrics and its many boons

Priyambada Datta Uncategorized 2 Comments

Psychometric testing refers to the science of measurement of cognitive abilities and behavioral processes. It is an amalgamation of psychology and statistics and is a quantitative way of assessment and evaluation, with emphasis on administration and analysis of results.  Psychometric tests have made their way into the world in such a manner that they are now irreplaceable. It is used …