Controlling attrition through psychometric tests

TPW AdminCase Studies 1 Comment

The Background: The client was a mid-size telecom and power consulting company with pan Indian operation. The company was going through rapid growth but the growth targets were always hit hard by the attrition –specially attrition in the average to high performing talent pool. There was an urgent need to curb the attrition and hire those who are most likely to stay with the organization.

The Challange: The client wanted a valid and reliable tool that can be used to evaluate Integrity of the candidates as well as their likelihood to stay with the organization.

The Solution: After discussion with our consultant and coducting studies to learn about the organizational culture and success factors. A customized test was developed for the clients and its staff was trained on administering and interpreting the test.

The Results: Although no definitive analysis was condcuted either by the client or by TPW to evaluate the effectiveness of the assessment; the hard core data based indices (like employee attrition level, number of reports against malpractice etc.) displayed a signification improvement in the desired direction (a 42% improvement in first quarter itself). The client decided to continue with the assessment and is using TPW assessment system since 2008.

For details of this case study, please contact us at 

Comments 1

  1. Yes, The truth is its tough to control attrition in the IT industry and that is actually raised more during pandemic when companies tried all possible methods to retain the talent .Which again gave birth to more attrition than decreasing it.

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