First Time Managers

Grooming the First Time Managers (FTMs) to take up business challenges

TPW AdminCase Studies Leave a Comment

The Background: The client is an HR consultant providing its services to several mid-sized as well as large organizations across India. One of its customers gave an assignment to train first time managers (FTMs) of managerial skills spanning in a year.

The Challenge: The client wanted a valid and reliable test that can be used to evaluate Emotional Competecies of professional in its client orgnizations.

The Solution: After discussion with TPW consultant, the client decided to use EQiP as pre and post assessment tool for its program for FTMs. In addition to that personalized support was offered to the client for the entire duration of the training program.

The Results: The program was a big success and objective assessments from TPW added a great value to the program. The client signed a successive deal with its cutomers for the next year program. The client is using TPW assessment system since 2008.

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