Sales Potential and Orientation Test (SPOT) is a scientifically validated test to identify high potential sales people. The test is useful across different sales roles in different industries.
"Before we started using SPOT, our process of recruiting sales people was mostly hit or miss type without really knowing the people we were hiring. Thanks you this test and ThePsychometricWorld; now we know who we are hiring and can plan accordingly"
-Graham Smith, Sales Director of a large multinational in FMCG.
"SPOT enabled our team to shorten the turnaround time for hiring sales people and have better sales people in every hiring cycle. Now, we know what it takes to be a great performer in sales roles in our company and we interview far less people than we used to." - Varun Arora, Director-HR, IT Product Development Company.
SPOT has helped our clients to know their sales staff before they are hired and develop them in the role by creating sales teams with complementary strengths. Our clients have reported higher bottom line and lower attrition after applying this test in their selection and Onboarding process.
SPOT the right sales person
SPOT measures 5 most important behavioural characteristics in the sales process. It measures the mental makeup of the candidate which determines effectiveness in sales roles.
The 5 behavioural characteristics measured by this test are:
1. Prospection - The potential to be excellent at finding new prospects.
2. Negotiation - The negotiator mindset, tendency to search for and devise win-win propositions .
3. Relationship Building - The inclination to build sustainable, long lasting business relations.
4. Closure - The ability to close sales.
5. Sales potential - The mental makeup to learn fast and be successful in sales job.

Quick facts about SPOT
Approximate time required: 20-25 minutes
Question Format: Multiple Choice
Mode of Administration: Online (on any device with internet connection and a web browser)
SPOT has undergone through our rigorous test development and validation process and it meets all internationally prescribed standards of reliability, fairness and validity. The primary psychometric indicators of the test are given below:
Reliability (alpha): 0.91 (for the entire test) and 0.76 to 0.82 for factors.
Reliability (test-retest): 0.92 for 2 weeks interval and 0.86 for 2 months interval
Validity Indices: from 0.25 to 0.39 reported in different validity studies.
Correlation with expert judgement: 0.65
Mostly used for: Recruitment of entry level sales professionals